Social Skills

Social skills groups are a valuable intervention for children and adolescents, as they provide a structured and supportive environment for developing essential social and interpersonal skills. These groups are typically led by trained staff members who guide participants through various activities and discussions. Here are some common topics that are often addressed in social skills groups:


Turn Taking: Learning how to take turns in conversations, games, and activities is a fundamental social skill. Children practice waiting for their turn and understanding when it's their time to participate.

Emotional Regulation: Managing emotions is a critical aspect of social interaction. Participants learn strategies for recognizing and appropriately expressing their feelings, as well as understanding the emotions of others.

Learning to Lose a Game: Winning and losing gracefully are important social skills. Participants are taught how to handle losing a game with sportsmanship, without becoming upset or overly competitive.

Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Conversation Topics: Participants learn to differentiate between topics that are suitable for conversation in various social settings and those that might be considered inappropriate or sensitive. This includes understanding boundaries and respecting personal space.

Age-Appropriate Play Skills: Children engage in play activities that encourage age-appropriate social interactions. These activities help develop cooperative play, sharing, and teamwork.


In addition to these topics, social skills groups may also focus on:

Conflict Resolution: Teaching children how to resolve conflicts peacefully, communicate their feelings, and find compromises when disagreements arise.

Friendship Building: Strategies for making and maintaining friendships, including initiating conversations, joining groups, and being a good friend.

Body Language and Nonverbal Communication: Recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language is an important part of social interaction.

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence: Activities that boost self-esteem and self-confidence, helping participants feel more comfortable and positive in social situations.

Social Problem Solving: Developing problem-solving skills to address social challenges and make appropriate decisions in various situations.


Social skills groups provide a supportive and structured environment for children to practice and reinforce these skills. They can be particularly beneficial for individuals with social difficulties, including those with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, or social anxiety, among others. By addressing these topics and providing opportunities for practice, social skills groups help children and adolescents improve their social interactions and build meaningful relationships with their peers.